The most recent understandings of neuroscience and learning tell us that students need to find school relevant and important to their lives to be fully invested. Are you interested in increasing your students’ engagement in the subject you teach? Project-based learning can be an effective tool in giving students ownership of their learning and increases students’ sense of autonomy, mastery, and purpose, which Daniel Pink cites as necessary for intrinsic motivation.
“Learning needs to be meaningful and purposeful for students in the context of their lives. This is the main argument for the intersection of SEL and project-based learning or inquiry-focused classrooms.”
~ Tara Quigley
This Level 1: Introduction course will provide you with research-informed and experience-based background information about project-based learning and its implementation. After you have completed this course, you will be ready to begin planning your own project-based learning unit or course in Level 2. The course is organized into a series of modules. Each of the six modules ends with a required submission, followed by your final submission. As you progress, you will submit a reflection at the end of each module. Your school PD leader will provide feedback in the form of a narrative comment.