This Badge is awarded to a participant who has completed the OESIS Level 1: Introduction to Project Based Learning course, building the case for PBL using research-informed and experience-based background information about its implementation. 

For the teacher who has little understanding of what PBL is, its principles, structures, and pedagogy. 

Upon completion of the course, educators will have a good understanding of the pedagogical or curricular elements of PBL including exposure to content relevant to them in their specific department or division.

Learning Criteria

This Badge is awarded to participants upon successful completion of all 6 modules of the Level 1: Introduction to Project Based Learning course. 

Recipients will have demonstrated an understanding of the elements of PBL, its uses and advantages in the classroom. The course consists of modules containing readings, videos, and reflections that are estimated to take eight to 10 hours to complete. The final summative reflection will be assessed using a rubric.

Module Titles

PBL1 Module 6