~ 20 minutes
This activate piece of the module includes some specific examples and strategies for identifying and encouraging intrinsic motivation.
Watch this video:
Definition of “Engage Intrinsic Motivation”? (Choose Yourself) | Six Seconds (2.26 minutes)
“We have a lot of different motivators… what’s at the core? And what if we go better at tapping our own inner drive, our Intrinsic Motivation, to make more effective choices?“
Read this article:
Engage Intrinsic Motivation in the Six Seconds EQ Model | Six Seconds (8 minutes)
“The difference between an engaged employee and one who is there to collect a paycheck is huge — and the difference is internal motivation. Whether it is a salesperson, a teacher, or a mechanic, the ones who truly love what they are doing do exemplary work. They go the extra mile, do more than what is necessary, and it shows in the quality of the work.“
What is intrinsic motivation and why is it important? Intrinsic motivation drives performance. Research shows that employees who are more engaged are more productive, and students who are more engaged in the classroom perform at the highest levels.
There are two types of motivation: extrinsic and intrinsic.
Extrinsic: Examples of extrinsic motivators are bonuses, perks, fines, grades, and awards. They are concrete and require constant reinvestment. They generally come from the teacher or the school, which reinforces the existing power dynamic.
Intrinsic: Examples of intrinsic motivators are passion, alignment with values, and a sense of belonging or purpose. They are intangible, abstract, and self-perpetuating. They come from the organizational climate and the relationships within the organization, which reinforces interdependence. According to Daniel Pink, there needs to be Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose to inspire intrinsic motivation.
Read this article.
Daniel Pink shares his conclusions from his meta-analysis of research on motivation. You DO NOT have to watch the videos embedded at the bottom.
Motivation – Pink (Three Elements of Intrinsic Motivation) | (5 minutes)
“Pink argues that the evidence of scientific studies on motivation and rewards suggests that, for any work task that involves most than the most basic cognitive challenge, basic financial reward systems simply do not work. In fact, they can lead to worse performance.“
Watch this video:
Leadership and Motivation: Motivating by Purpose | Dan Pink (2.16 minutes)
How might your classroom look differently if you (or the students) had a clearly articulated goal or purpose? This short video from Daniel Pink addresses ore important information about motivation.
Choose ONE of the following articles to read.
Four Research-Based Strategies To Ignite Intrinsic Motivation In Students | Katrina Schwartz (5 minutes)
“Kathy Digsby has been teaching elementary school for a long time. She taught kindergarten for many years, then transferred to first grade. And even though she’s approaching sixty and planned to retire soon, part of her doesn’t want to leave the classroom. Recently she’s been mixing it up, injecting choice into as many areas of the classroom as she can to engage her young learners. And it’s exciting.”
25 Ways to Cultivate Intrinsic Motivation | InformED (6 minutes)
In the context of learning, intrinsic motivation is motivation that stems not from external factors like grades and status, but rather from genuine interest and ambition. Like altruism, it assumes no reward. But — like altruism — it is difficult to corroborate. Even if Sally, your best student, completes the Extra Credit assignment out of pure enjoyment, it doesn’t mean she isn’t expecting external rewards like approval and attention.
A Student-Driven Approach to Experiential Learning | Reggio Emilia (3.25 minutes)
See how a Reggio Emilia–inspired elementary school in Australia fosters student interests to spark curiosity and joy in learning.